

    Fire retardant coatings are mainly divided into two categories: intumescent and non-intumescent.What is the difference between them?Let us talk about it. 1. Intumescent type fire retardant coatings, also known as thin coatings, are usually between 1 and 7 mm thick. When the thickness is less...
    Usually, the fire retardant coating paint includes two types: the intumescent type and non-intumescent type.Or it can be divided into thin type,ultra-thin type or thick type.Here we talk about the intumescent type fireproof paint making machine. 1.The intumescent coating paints are a passive...
    September 14, 2023 · Acrylic emulsion making line,Acrylic emulsion applications
    1.Shortbrief: It is formed byemulsion polymerization of styrene, acrylic acid and ester monomers, combined with self-crosslinking monomers, fluorine monomers, additives and special functional monomers. 2. Performanceand applications: PEC-539 hydrophobic emulsion can be combined with...
    July 13, 2021 · Acrylic emulsion making line
    1.Short brief: PEGM-202 high temperature curable cross-linked emulsion is made of acrylic acid, methacrylic acid and ester monomers, functional monomers, fluoromonomers and siloxane, etc., through special process polymerization. On this basis, it combines the self-crosslinking monomers and...
    1.Short brief: It is made from acrylic acid, methacrylic acid and its ester monomers, self-crosslinking monomers, fluorine monomers and organosiloxane monomers through advanced technology polymerization. 2. Performance and applications: 1) PEM-101 cross-linked metal paint emulsion combined...
      Both shears andhomogenizers are used to homogenize grease and are installed online. But interms of function, each has its own function. Simply to say, the shear device performs coarse homogenization, and the homogenizer performs finer final homogenization.    It's like grinding astone into...
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